Get The Proven System & A Free Account to An AI Software Platform

That Transformed Our Business From Struggling to Thriving, Generating Over $50,000 in Monthly Recurring Revenue in Just 90 Days!

👇👇 Watch this video now to take the first step toward freedom. 👇👇

Hands Up If You Have At Least One White-label or Agency Level Product Sitting On Your JVZoo, Appsumo etc Account?

Nearly every software these days comes with a white-label option or an agency level account - for good reason.

These provide real opportunities for you and your business. And real profitability.

But NOT if they sit on your accounts gathering dust.

Owning These Opportunities and Not Using Them To Make Money Is Like Having A Gym Membership and Not Going.

It might make you FEEL better. But you’re not going to see any results unless you actually use it.

And you’re going to see the best results when you have a personal trainer and workout programme -

Someone who can get you the best results in the shortest amount of time.

And that’s EXACTLY what I’m here to do.

Like All Good Personal Trainers I’ve Used These Strategies To Get My Own Results

So Now I Can Show You Exactly How To Get Yours.

I Used To Be Like You, Overwhelmed Constantly.

A few years ago, my co-founder and I hit a wall with our agency. Despite our hard work, we only gained 12 clients in six months. 

We lacked focus and strategy. We were trying to sell too much stuff to everybody. And ended up selling nothing to no one.

Constantly shifting focus. Booking prospects but not sealing deals. Spending day after day - staring at our computers. - trying to achieve a better life for our families. But going home night after night - doing nothing but stealing time away from them.

I went to bed that night - feeling as frustrated as ever and picked up my bedtime reading ‘Atomic Habits’ - This quote caught my eye. 

"Focus Is The Art of

Knowing What to Ignore"

- James Clear

The next morning, I made my coffee and sat down for my morning meeting with my business partner. We asked each other what we most wanted from our business. And we audited what we already had. 

Our ‘waImagents’ matched. 

Freedom. Freedom from confusion, overwhelm, frustration, wasted time and getting lackluster results for our hard work. 

We Gave Ourselves 90 Days And Decided to Focus on Freedom and On Just One Product. 

And THAT’s Where Everything Changed.  

We stripped everything back, took just one white-label product we owned and started a brand new strategy.  We tracked every step of the process, locked in what worked and quickly adjusted what didn’t.

We continued to grow and scale and score more profits through testing and improvement.

And by the End of 90 Days

Not Only Did We Have a True Blueprint to Financial Freedom That Would Work With Any White-label or Agency Product or Service

Our Business Had Skyrocketed From Barely Staying Afloat to Becoming $50,000 Per Month Richer In Just 90 Days.

These results are shared purely for education. Your results will be different as we are different people, with different circumstances and different skills.
This screen shot is taken from our payment processor and is shared ONLY to demonstrate credibility in growing online businesses. We do NOT guarantee results or make any claims about what you will be able to earn. Your scenarios, skills, circumstances are different than ours... and of course, that means your results will be different too.

Today, It Is a Multi-Million Dollar Enterprise And We’ve Already Taught More Than 2,000 This Exact Blueprint. Using ANY White-label & Agency Level Product or Service They Already Own.

Now It’s Time To Teach You The Same.

Don't Let These Valuable Assets Gather Dust In Your Accounts Unleash Their Potential And
Watch Your Profits Soar!

Let Me Be Your Personal Trainer to Build Your Way to Freedom, Focus and Financial Growth.

The Freedom Program &
Included (Bonus)
Prospect Falcon Account

3 Live Workshops: Starting AUG 13th, 14th and 15th.
All recordings and workbooks will be available

See What You Can Do With Your Free Prospect Falcon Account!

Click Play Below

From Those We've Worked With Already:

Let’s Set You On The Path To Building

Your Business Without Worry.

Join us on this journey towards a thriving, stress-free business today. Let's lay the groundwork for your success story in just 3 sessions. (with full recordings and workbooks included!)

Starting AUGUST 13th!

Delivered LIVE To Give You Real Results In Minimum Time.

(With full recordings & workbooks provided to all attendees)

Break free from the chains of overwhelm and uncertainty and build the business you've always dreamed of without drowning in stress or confusion or wasting money on ventures that don’t fulfill.

I understand where you are because I've been there myself and together, we can turn your struggles into triumphs and your dreams into reality.

All Using Things You Already Have Which Means Minimum Risk - And Maximum Reward.

If You've Ever Bought Even ONE Agency Product or White-label Product In Your Lifetime. You’ve Already Got Everything You Need to Make the Freedom Program Work For You.

(And if you haven't... no stress -
we'll even show you where to get them... On the cheap!)

  • You have products you can use to generate income, starting right now!

  • Zero COST spent on development and upkeep.

  • They are products and services people already want and fill a need in the marketplace.

  • Give you instant brand reputation by offering already reliable and effective products.

  • You can reach new customers and expand your revenue.

  • And you can follow the proven steps to make this happen!

That’s Why I Love These Kind Of Products. And I Know You Already Have A Bunch of Them Sat There On Your Computer Right Now.

You Can Action The Steps And Software inside the Freedom Program Using Products You Already Own From Marketplaces Such as JVZoo, Appsumo and So Much More.

The Freedom Program Is

For You IF:

  • You've ever tried starting a business but distract yourself with creating logos, building websites, buying another shiny object software on a marketplace and never actually getting around to monetizing it creating the business you want.

  • You have no idea where to start, what to build, how to sell or how to actually stand out in the marketplace.

  • You are tired of trading time for money and want more control over your time and income.

  • You already have an agency but want to build, grow and scale to financial freedom.

More Reasons You Are Going To Love The Freedom Program
(Apart from the bonus software!)

    Cutting out the fluff, we offer a clear, manageable path to success. Ideal if you’ve ever been overwhelmed by other online ventures.

  • SPEED:
    The teachings in your program are designed to be quickly turned into actions and when implemented make vast improvements to your business growth and financial results FAST.

    This program has had real results for more than 2000 people and is responsible for unlocking more than $50k monthly recurring income in just 90 days. We want to share that exact blueprint with you to simply copy and paste and help you generate your own success story.

    Your program is broken up into easy, linear, bitesize classes delivered LIVE for maximum interaction and personal results in little time.

    No prior experience is required and we teach you all the skills you need to make a real difference to your business in easy to follow sections that help you achieve your financial goals - setting you up for long-term success.

Let’s Have a Deeper Look at The Program That’s Going To Give You The Freedom You Deserve…

Delivered In 3 Live Interactive Learning Sessions:
(with recordings provided)

3 Live Workshops:
Starting AUG 13th, 14th and 15th.
All recordings and workbooks will be available

Day 1: Workshop 1:

Obliterate the Confusion and Start Selling:

This masterclass will help you sell ANYTHING! Anything you already have or anything you can easily get your hands on.

By the End of This Workshop You Will Be Able To:

  • Simplify. Focus. Cut through the confusion and brain fog. Work with what you already have or can easily get your hands on.

  • Define your strongest product to sell first for your strongest chance of success right out the gate.

  • Remove unnecessary distractions and offers that aren’t going to work for you.

  • Source and Evaluate agency, whitelabel, reseller products for pennies on the dollar.

  • Understand how to turn those digital products and licenses into monthly ongoing income.

Day 2: Workshop 2:

Crafting Irresistible Offers (Without Needing Any Writing Or Design Skills)

This is where we make sure you sell and keep on selling.

By the End of This Workshop You Will Be Able To:

  • Create buyer profiles that direct your perfect buyers to your offer.

  • Pitch perfect pricing to entice buyers to buy - and keep on buying.

  • Ensure you give buyers what you want.

  • Start to fine tune your buying process - making it easier for clients to pay you and no one else.

  • Learn strategies to stay profitable without sacrificing your sanity.

  • Build long term assets, that will continue to bring in leads and sales.

  • Prioritize your lifestyle and freedom.

Day 3: Workshop 3:

Generating Lots of Leads On Demand And Getting Them to Pay Fast.

This is where you have an endless stream of clients AND get them to pay and keep on paying.

By the End of This Workshop You Will Be Able To Have:

  • A proven roadmap to these creating long term sales and recurring income.

  • A clear path to a profitable and enjoyable business.

  • A proven playbook to focus on one person, one problem, one Solution.

We will show you how to focus on:

  • Generating traffic and interest from the hottest markets.

  • Solving their biggest problem, using simple online tools.

  • Provide a simple and effective solution that has them paying you every month.

With an approach that is incredibly powerful and transformative to your business, your finances and your freedom.

When You Know.... You Know 🙂

I had the opportunity to sit with Aidan Corkery and talk through his business. I get it... I really do. It's what I do, and have done for years and years. Somehow... it just makes sense to me and often I can see opportunities. It's not magic. It's just what I love :) - Walt

I had a private mastermind with some folks that flew into a seminar in Las Vegas, we talked through their business, what they needed to do to move forward and hit some goals. Loved meeting Allen and working it through with him. - Walt

And That’s Just For Starters.

We’re Even Going to Give You an AI Software That’s Going to Generate Those Leads for You - For FREE.

Get Your Bonus Prospect Falcon Software INCLUDED For Free As Part Of Your Freedom Program Today.

Your FREE Bonus Access To Prospect Falcon Gives You The Instant Ability To:

  • Find multiple data points on any business (social media accounts, reputation, employee count, And EMAILS)

  • Geo target anywhere on the planet.

  • Focus on specific roles to search for (example... find me all the CEO's)

  • Retrieve contact information

  • Engage AI to suggest new customer markets, company positions, or target areas.

  • AI Will create personal DM messages to send, Company Summaries, Subject Lines, and more!

  • Find influencers to get on podcasts, and get the people with huge followings to know about your products so you can sell more.

*This is a valuable bonus addition to your freedom program and is available as part of this launch deal only. We reserve the right to remove this additional bonus from this offer page at any time, so act fast to secure your Freedom Program with this bonus included.

To help you find and close your first sales in no time at all, we’re giving you our AI software with 250 credits INCLUDED.

So not only are we giving you the exact strategies you need to make your first sales, scale and profit fast - we’re even giving you the direct line to paying customers.

Why The Freedom Program And Bonus Prospect Falcon Software Is Right For You:

  • Have you ever been too overwhelmed to actually sell much or anything?

  • Have you ever been unsure on what to actually sell? Or who to sell to?

  • Have you ever felt confused? Uncertain? Unsure about how to actually monetize all these assets you’ve bought?

  • Do you have white label products and services sat on your accounts gathering dust?

  • Do you already offer any services but want to sell more?

  • Do you already have your own agency but want to scale and expand?

  • Do you want to build a better income?

  • Do you want to experience the true financial freedom that recurring income provides?

The Sooner You Get Started With The Freedom Program The Sooner This All Starts to Change For the Better.

But You Don’t Have Long To Start Your

Path To Freedom.

This isn’t like a normal product you see on here. It’s not going to be around forever. These sessions are delivered LIVE, starting on Tuesday 13th August and we have a definitive deadline.
We can’t give you fake scarcity.

When the time runs out on the timer on this page, if you’ve missed out - it’s too late - class is about to start. No latecomers accepted.

Those people who have clicked below and taken the first step towards freedom - are already WAY ahead of you. Don’t get left behind - because this set of live masterclasses won’t be repeated and won’t be available again.

There’s no easy way to say it - miss out now - miss out forever.

Just a Reminder of What’s Included:

3 Workshop sessions provided LIVE with the FREEDOM PROGRAM, Recordings, Workbooks + PROSPECT FALCON

FINAL Places! This Offer Closes In:

Agency And White Label Freedom Program

I Look Forward To Seeing and Chatting to You In The First Workshop and I Look Forward to You Joining These 2,000+ Other People Who Have Had Their Lives & Businesses Changed By The Freedom Program.

“Is Freedom Anything Else Than The Right To Live As We Wish?” - Epictetus

Be honest, right now, are you truly free? Free from overwhelm, frustration, and confusion? Do you dream of creating a better future for your family through your own business? Do you find yourself chasing opportunities without a clear strategy for success? Do you already own a whole bunch of products and services you can sell - but have no idea where to start?

I understand how you feel because I've been there. But I broke free from that hamster wheel and now, with a mutli-million dollar business in the bank and $50,000 in recurring revenue rolling in each month - I'm here to help you do the same. Starting today.


Are The Workshops Live? (What If I Can't Make It?)

Yes! We'll be live with the workshops, walking through step by step with those that enroll from this page. If you can't make all of the sessions - that's ok, we'll be recording them and make them available for you on demand, in the members area. We'll also make sure you have the workbooks and all the materials so you don't miss out.

When are the workshops happening?

We're kicking off on Tuesday the 13th of August starting at 4pm Eastern.
Day 2 on the 14th and Day 3 on the 15th.
Each session will go for approx 2 hours

(Yes they'll be recorded and you'll get full access to the recordings)

What if I don't own any agency or White Label products?

No troubles! In the first session, we'll even show you how to source them for pennies on the dollar!

Do I need to be techy?

It's helpful if you can navigate your way around online. We actually teach methods to help you NOT get bogged down in the tech :) Some base knowledge is needed, just simple navigation and knowing (for example) where to go to login to a software product.

Is the Prospect Falcon Software Really Included?

Yes! absolutely. For those who want to get ahead in their online business, lead generation is one of the pinnacle activities. The software is designed to help you make sales. It's pre loaded with 250 targeted lead credits and we'll show you how to use it during the workshops. No ongoing monthly fees. You're welcome!

What happens after the 250 Credits with Lead Falcon?

If you get through the 250 targeted leads and want more, you can add a card on file for the program and simply top up when needed. You won't pay any monthly fees, simply pay as you go for more leads as you need them.

FAQ image

© 2024 Prospect Falcon. All Rights Reserved.


The information provided on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. We make no guarantees regarding the potential earnings or income that can be generated through the methods and strategies discussed. Individual results may vary and are dependent on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, personal effort, experience, and market conditions.

All investments and business ventures involve risk, and it is important to conduct your own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. We are not responsible for any losses or damages incurred as a result of the information provided on this website.

By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for your own success and decisions. Any testimonials or examples of results are not typical and do not guarantee similar outcomes.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at support[at]